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The following two paragraphs are fairly typical of text that has come from an Optical Character Recognition program such as those commonly used by volunteers for Project Gutenberg, and then manually edited to correct the obvious mistakes. If you read it, you will probably see one or two of them quite quickly. Below that is gutcheck's report on the paragraphs. (Yes, all of these are errors! :-) |
They saw him distinctly, as with the naked eye; a word, a turn of the pen, or a word unsaid, offered the picture of him in America, Japan, China, Australia , nay, the continent of Europe, holding an English review of his Maker's grotesques. Vernon seemed a sheepish fellow, without stature abroad, glad of a compliment , grateful for a dinner, endeavouring sadly to digest all he saw and heard. But one was a Patterne; tbe other a Whitford. One had genius; the other pottered after him to he a student. One was the English gent1eman wherever he went; the other was a new kind of thing, nondescript, produced in England of late, and not likely to come to much good himself, or do much good to the country. Vernon's dancing in America was capitally described by Willoughby. "Adieu to our cousins!" the latter wrote on his voyage to Japan. "I may possibly have had some vogue in their ball-rooms, and in showing them an English seat on horseback: 1 must resign myself if I have not been popular among them. I could not sing their national song--if a congery of states be a nation-- and I must confess I listened with frigid politeness to their singing of it. A great people, no doubt. Adieu to them. I have had to tear old Vernon away. He had serious thoughts of settling, means to correspond with some of them. On the whole, forgetting two or more "traits of insolence~ on the part of his hosts, which he cited, Willoughby escaped pretty comfortably. The President had been, consciously or not,uncivil, but one knew his origin! Upon these interjections, placable flicks of the lionly tail addressed to Britannia the Ruler, who expected him in some mildish way to lash terga cauda in retiring, Sir WilIoughby Patterne passed from a land of alien manners,; and ever after he spoke of America respectfully aud pensively, with a tail tucked in, as it were. His travels were profitable to himself. The fact is, that tbere are cousins who come to greatness and rnust be pacified, or they will prove annoying. Heaven forefend a collision between cousins! |
The gutcheck report
Japan, China, Australia , nay, the continent of Europe, holding an Line 3 column 25 - Spaced punctuation? , grateful for a dinner, endeavouring sadly to digest all he saw Line 6 - Begins with punctuation? and heard. But one was a Patterne; tbe other a Whitford. One had Line 7 - Query word tbe - not reporting duplicates genius; the other pottered after him to he a student. One was the Line 8 - Query he/be error? English gent1eman wherever he went; the other was a new kind of Line 9 - Query digit in gent1eman showing them an English seat on horseback: 1 must resign myself if Line 16 - Query standalone 1 national song--if a congery of states be a nation-- and I must Line 18 - Spaced em-dash? Vernon away. He had serious thoughts of settling, means to Line 22 - No punctuation at para end? Vernon's dancing in America was capitally described by Willoughby. Line 22 - Mismatched quotes correspond with some of them. On the whole, forgetting two or Line 23 - Paragraph starts with lower-case more "traits of insolence~ on the part of his hosts, which he Line 24 - Tilde character? been, consciously or not,uncivil, but one knew his origin! Upon Line 26 column 25 - Missing space? lash terga cauda in retiring, Sir WilIoughby Patterne passed from Line 29 - Query uppercase in WilIoughby a land of alien manners,; and ever after he spoke of America Line 30 column 24 - Double punctuation? respectfully aud pensively, with a tail tucked in, as it were. His Line 31 - Query word aud - not reporting duplicates travels were profitable to himself. The fact is, that tbere are Line 32 - Query word tbere - not reporting duplicates cousins who come to greatness and rnust be pacified, or they will Line 33 - Query word rnust - not reporting duplicates |
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